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How to Calculate Net Operating Income (NOI)

We will examine What is NOI and How to Calculate Net Operating Income (NOI) in this article .

As a real estate investor seeking to finance an investment property with a Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) loan, it’s crucial to know how to calculate Net Operating Income (NOI).

What is Net Operating Income (NOI)?

NOI is a fundamental metric in commercial real estate investment, as it helps determine the property’s profitability and ability to generate cash flow to service the loan.

How to Calculate Net Operating Income

NOI is calculated by taking the property’s gross rental income and subtracting all operating expenses. To be more specific, NOI is the income generated from an investment property after accounting for all operating expenses but before deducting debt service (loan payments), capital expenditures (CapEx), and depreciation.

Here are the steps to follow to calculate NOI:

  1. Start with Gross Rental Income Gross rental income is the total amount of money that the property generates from rent before expenses. This includes all rental income from tenants, such as base rent, percentage rent, and reimbursements for expenses like property taxes, utilities, and maintenance.
  2. Subtract Vacancy and Credit Loss Vacancy and credit loss are the costs associated with tenants who do not pay their rent on time or leave the property altogether. To calculate this, you’ll need to estimate the percentage of time the property will be vacant and multiply that by the annual gross rental income. The resulting number is then subtracted from the gross rental income to arrive at the effective gross income (EGI).
  3. Add Other Income Other income includes income generated from sources other than rent, such as parking fees, laundry income, and vending machines.
  4. Subtract Operating Expenses Operating expenses are the costs incurred to operate and maintain the property. These include property taxes, insurance, utilities, repairs and maintenance, property management fees, and marketing expenses.
  5. Calculate Net Operating Income (NOI) To calculate NOI, subtract the total operating expenses from the EGI.

NOI = EGI – Operating Expenses

Once you have calculated the NOI, you can use it to determine the property’s debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) and its value. Lenders use the DSCR to assess the property’s cash flow potential and determine whether the property can generate enough income to service the loan payments.

To calculate the DSCR, divide the NOI by the annual debt service. Debt service is the total amount of money paid towards the loan principal and interest for a year.

DSCR = NOI / Debt Service

Let’s Give An Example

For example, if a property generates $500,000 in gross rental income per year, has $50,000 in vacancy and credit loss, $20,000 in other income, and $150,000 in operating expenses, the EGI would be:

EGI = Gross Rental Income – Vacancy and Credit Loss + Other Income EGI = $500,000 – $50,000 + $20,000 = $470,000

Assuming the property has a loan with an annual debt service of $200,000, the NOI would be:

NOI = EGI – Operating Expenses NOI = $470,000 – $150,000 = $320,000

And the DSCR would be:

DSCR = NOI / Debt Service DSCR = $320,000 / $200,000 = 1.6

You can also use our DSCR Calculator Tool!

What is DSCR of 1.0 Means?

A DSCR of 1.0 means that the property generates enough income to cover the loan payments. However, most lenders require a DSCR of at least 1.25 or higher to approve a loan. A higher DSCR indicates that the property generates more income than it needs to service the loan, which can help investors secure better financing terms .

A higher DSCR also indicates that the property is more profitable and can generate enough cash flow to cover unexpected expenses and generate a positive return on investment.

Let’s Also Look At What It Means CAP Rate .

In addition to using NOI to calculate the DSCR, you can also use it to estimate the value of the property. The capitalization rate, or cap rate, is a commonly used metric to estimate the value of a property based on its NOI. The cap rate is the rate of return an investor can expect to receive on an investment property based on its NOI.

To calculate the value of a property using the cap rate method, divide the NOI by the cap rate. The cap rate is determined by analyzing the market conditions and comparable properties in the area.

Property Value = NOI / Cap Rate

For example, if a property has an NOI of $320,000 and a cap rate of 6%, the estimated value of the property would be:

Property Value = NOI / Cap Rate Property Value = $320,000 / 0.06 Property Value = $5,333,333

Pay Attantion Please Here is the Point:

By knowing how to calculate the NOI, DSCR, and property value, investors can make informed decisions about the profitability and potential returns of an investment property. In addition, having a clear understanding of these metrics can help investors negotiate better loan terms, analyze the potential risks and rewards of a property, and create a more accurate financial forecast for their real estate investments.

So If You Need to Watch A video About NOI, We Find a Great Video For You

YouTube video


Net Operating Income (NOI) is a critical metric for real estate investors seeking to finance investment properties with a DSCR loan. By subtracting operating expenses from the gross rental income, investors can determine the profitability and cash flow potential of a property. NOI is also used to calculate the debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) and estimate the value of a property using the capitalization rate (cap rate) method. By understanding how to calculate NOI, investors can make informed decisions about their real estate investments and maximize their potential returns.

Do You Need More Information About DSCR ?


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